What is Direct Primary Care (DPC)?

You are NO LONGER a number.

The DPC Difference



  • Have you ever wondered why the doctor is in and out of the room in 5 minutes? Traditional medical practices are based on productivity. The more patients that a doctor sees in a day, the more money that is made. Would you be happy with a 5 minute haircut? Why should you settle for less when it comes to your healthcare?

  • Doctors face mounting pressure to see more and more patients thereby making more and more money for the system in which they are working.

  • By limiting the numbers in our patient panel (most doctor’s office have 3-4,000 patients), Simplicity Health DPC gives you time with your doctor.


  • Fewer patients means higher quality care for you. In order to keep this model financially sustainable, patients pay a membership fee.

  • When the doctor has extra time they can find and call the best specialists on your behalf and research the most up-to-date medical literature for your condition. Your care becomes a priority and you no longer are treated as “another” patient.

  • The traditional office model (fee-for-service) provides incentive for doctors to “make you sicker.” A scoring system for coding disease called HCC scoring is now the standard. In a nutshell, the sicker a patient becomes, the more money that insurance will allocate. Instead of making patients sicker to make more money, we want to make patients healthier!


  • By cutting out the middle man, DPC practices often save patients money in the long run on office visits, testing, and medication costs.

  • Simplicity Heath DPC has negotiated private deals with labs, imaging centers, and medication vendors to keep these costs extremely low for our members.

Direct Primary Care IS NOT insurance. We recommend having insurance for catastrophic events where our membership cannot provide services (hospitalizations, ER visits, etc.).